Monday, May 2, 2016

Week 14: Famous Last Words

This week I read Twenty Jataka Tales, which was a really cool break from my obsession with the Mahabharata! I picked three favorites for each reading diary, and then three bonus tales for my extra credit reading. It was really neat seeing how the stories were similar to the nursery rhymes of western culture. There were so many parallels in some, right down to the cheesy moral of the story and the "happily ever after" line that ended every single story. One story, about a hare convinced that the earth was breaking apart, reminded me of a way cooler, more interesting version of Chicken Little. Animals misinterpreting the natural actions of trees as the end of times must be a common theme in many cultures, haha!
Others, however, were entirely new stories, and those were actually my favorites! Some struck me as a little odd and seemingly pointless (like the one about sailors trapped in a goblin-town saved by a random winged horse), but I'm sure many western fairy tales and fables inspire the same feeling in those who didn't grow up with them.

Outside of this class, the big event for me this week has been my second senior recital! I presented a lecture recital on the topic of Darius Milhaud's Sonatine pour flĂ»te et piano. The piece was one of the first instances of "authentic" jazz used in a classical setting, and includes a lot of Milhaud's unique version of the futurism movement in music, so doing all the research was really fun and interesting. It was a great experience to try something new as a performer, since I've never given a lecture recital and only ever attended a few as an audience member. I'm super grateful for the opportunity to grow as a musician, expand my knowledge, and challenge myself as a student of music! 
With all that being said... I'm so glad it's over. It was crazy stressful to have to prepare a recital on two very different fronts. Not only did I have to do months of research into the historical context of the piece, then analyze it structurally and theoretically for the influences that the research pointed to, but I also had to prepare the piece itself and perform it. It was a lot to try to fit into this crazy part of the semester, especially just a few months after my other senior recital. I wouldn't recommend the experience of trying to do more than one of those in a 3-month span to ANYONE, haha. But, it's over and it went well, so I'm happy!

Darius Milhaud, the composer I've devoted the last two months of my life to

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