Thursday, April 28, 2016

Week 14 Reading Diary: Twenty Jataka Tales

The Two Pigs: Two pigs in forest, taken home by old woman; grow up with her as their mother; men in town get drunk and want to eat pigs, offer to buy them, woman says no until they get her drunk; offers one pig but not the other; pig to be eaten sees men with ropes and runs back to brother; brother tells him not be afraid, they will bathe in water until they smell perfume, this is what he was raised for; his words soften the hearts of the men and woman; pigs taken to live with king, happy ever after

Quarrelsome Quails: Quails keep getting caught in net by hunter; he casts it over their heads and catches 100 at a time; king quail advises his subjects: if he casts the net over your head,put your heads through the holes and fly up as one to a hill so you can free yourselves, but don't argue or you'll get caught! It works for a while, until two quails start arguing over an accident; they get caught, but king never does

The Noble Horse: Brahmadatta has a beautiful horse; 7 kingdom's declare war on his kingdom; brave knight says he can vanquish the armies if he has Brahmadatta's horse; 6 armies in a row beaten, but horse wounded; knight decides to use a different horse but Brahmadatta's says no, knight can only beat 7th army with him, no other horse; knight binds up his wounds and takes him to war; 7th army vanquished; horse says to be merciful and release the prisoners of war, then dies; memory lives on, happy ever after


  1. Kayla, I don't know if you will see this comment or not, but please check your OU email. I have been writing to you without any reply, so I am not sure if you are getting those emails or not. Thanks!

  2. Kayla, I love you provided such insightful summaries for three of these Jataka tales. Jataka tales have been some of my favorite literature this semester! I didn’t end up reading the three that you provided in your reading diary, which was nice because there are SO many. The picture you provided was nice too. P.s. I love your blog background – it’s so pretty!
