Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Week 6 Reading Diary: PDE Mahabharata (C)


Pandavas living in exhile:
Draupadi "laments her fate": used to sit on ivory chairs, now on grass, used to be queen, now a beggar, etc. etc.
 Yudhishthira tries to maintain faith in group, but Draupadi and even Bhima begin to lose confidence ("Thou art unripe fruit!")

Story idea: same story, but with characters in different context (children in playground turf battle?)

Pandava brothers come across a pond. Voice says don't drink until you've answered my riddles; Nakula, Sahadeva, Arjuna, and Bhima all drink first, proceed to "fall dead"
Yudhishthira responds, Voice begins asking riddles, Yud answers all. Eventually Voice reveals himself as Dharma, God of wisdom and truth and Yud's "heavenly sire." Restores life to brothers and gives them ability to "remain unrecognized by anyone in the three worlds for the space of a year"

Karna and Kunti: Kunti reveals to Karna that she is his mother
Karna's response: "O lady, it is now too late to command my obedience. Why didst thou abandon me at birth? If I am a kshatriya, I have been deprived of my rank. No foeman could have done me a greater injury than thou hast done. Thou hast never been a mother to me, nor do thy sons know I am their brother."

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